California Refund Value (CRV) is the amount paid by consumers at the checkout stand and paid back to consumers when they recycle eligible aluminum, plastic, glass and bi-metal beverage containers at certified recycling centers. Items must be separated by material type.
The minimum refund value established for each type of eligible beverage container is 5 cents for each container under 24 ounces and 10 cents for each container 24 ounces or greater.
Recycling centers are allowed to pay by weight as a matter of business efficiency, but consumers also have the option of being paid on a per-container basis if they bring in 50 or fewer CRV containers of each material type. Recycling centers are required to comply with this request. No out-of-state material is eligible for California Refund Value. Consumers and others may only claim CRV for aluminum, glass and plastic beverage containers that were sold in California.
Requirements regarding the condition of beverage containers are established by the recycling center and may vary. Contact your recycling center to determine its requirements.
To learn more about the CRV program: contact CalRecycle at 1-800-RECYCLE or visit
What beverage containers can you redeem for CRV?
Eligible for CRV
Beer and malt beverages
Wine coolers and distilled spirit coolers
Carbonated fruit drinks, water or soft drinks
Noncarbonated fruit drinks, water or soft drinks
Coffee and tea beverages
100% fruit juice less than 46 oz.
Vegetable juice 16 oz. or less
Sports drinks
Not eligible for CRV
Milk jugs
Medical food
Infant formula
100% fruit juice 46 oz. or more
100% vegetable juice more than 16 oz.
Food and other non-beverage containers
If you do not know? Check the label on the container.
California Redemption Value
CA Redemption Value
California Cash Refund
CA Cash Refund